Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Marketing On Your Customer - 986 Words

There are many ways to collect marketing information to help your company. Identifying your customer needs will help benefit your customer and your company in the long run. Your customer is what keeps you in business if they are not happy with the quality of service or products that you provide then your company will have a very short lifespan. Marketing fundamentals show us that knowing your target audience will allow you to be more competitive against your competition. It will allow you to tailor your services towards or customer’s needs and wants. Another benefit of pleasing your customer is allowing you to gain access to important information about your competition just remember this is a two-way street which your competitor can gain the same information about you from the customer. By gaining information from your customer you will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses or your competition and how successful they were to making your customer happy. Be able to identify the long-range schedule of upcoming procurements this will keep you focus on future opportunities. Another benefit of looking ahead 12 months out will allow you company to be proactive on conducting research and budgeting to prepare the company for making a competitive offer. Also, by doing your homework ahead allows you to take your time and do it right the first time vs trying to rush and leaving important parts out of the process which in turn will present to the government agencyShow MoreRelatedMarketing Content Essay730 Words   |  3 Pages [h1] Tailoring Marketing Content to Your Audience Meta description: Companies can increase the personalization of their marketing efforts through personas, advanced analytics, customer segmentation, and channel attribution. The online stylist service Stitch Fix is a dramatic example of how to personalize customer service. 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