Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership for Transformational and Transactional- MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theLeadership for Transformational and Transactional. Answer: Introduction: The different leaders have different ways to work, perform, guide and accomplish the assigned targets, there styles vary and so do their plans and strategies at times. They have various motivational and inspiring lessons, which help them to go on and on. It may be possible that at some time a strategy may work while at another time that strategy may not work at all on the same project, thus this is the leader who has to foresee the best possible plan to implement so as to come up to the expectations of the organisation and come out with bright colours (Dion, 2012). Refer my personal leadership personality; I am a kind of leader who always takes the team forward in order to achieve what has been aimed. I always sit along with the team, ask about their views and suggestions, their suggestions may not be that matured but at times these small suggestions help us achieve even bigger. I always aspire that all the staff or team members to participate irrespectively of their age, gender, experience and tenure in the organisation. Both mature and new staff are an assert for any organisation, a place where people move together is sure to get the expected. Appreciation at times to all those who have outperformed is yet another thing never miss, this further encourages the staff to work even harder, small certification can really set their confidence at sky high levels. Few words of appreciation give confidence in the mind of the worker and bring about the total outcome from that particular staff; it also is a challenge for the other staff members to get the same kind of applause in future. (Dartey-Baah, 2015). Leadership Theory I have learned from my experiences that all weak staff members should be handled with care and comprehensive due diligence, it is just the lack of confidence which is restricting them to outperform if they are also handled properly and trained and encouraged at regular intervals they too can do wonders (Friedman, 2004). They too have got the fire inside them, but the only thing which is required is to ignite it at the right time. In order to help them perform the way performers do, it is needed to pair them with these outperformers who shall guide them carefully and also the practical knowledge which they shall learn from them will carry those miles ahead. When they shall see closely how the seniors are doing a particular task, they shall also try to perform in a similar manner and this shall be the turning point for them. No one is a dump, the only thing required is to understand the spheres where these staff members are weak, and what exactly is to be done so as to battle out these spheres and win (Dartey-Baah, 2015). Sometimes it is also noticed that due to laziness and carelessness, some bigger wins turns into failures, here the need of right move at right time is to be illustrated to the staff and the results shall be totally different and positive. Proper training and at regular intervals is also very vital to get in touch with the latest technological changes, sometimes orthodox nature keeps us behind and the gaps becomes larger and larger and we miss out from the market competition (Cook, 2013). Thus knowledge is power and its enhancement at regular times is very significant. Each learned staff shall perform much more than even organisation may dream of. The staff should be up-to-date and the leaders are meant to ensure that such knowledge is properly acquired by each and every worker under him. Leaders must have never to give up attitude and work till the aim is achieved, He is required to lead from the front and show the path to the team to follow and work. Motivation to work continuously and that too till you reach the destiny is what the leader should aspire the members (Cook, 2013). Leaders have a firm determination and clear focus to reach the highest of heights. Leaders do not care for day or night; they work, guide, p erform and deliver, they work restlessly without any sense of fatigue, they sometimes get disappointed but they learn from their mistakes and improve them and makes sure that some mistake does not repeat (Junker and van Dick, 2014) It is well said that everyone makes mistakes but only fools repeat them. I have experienced that nothing is impossible, but firm determination and right path to move so as to achieve that mission is much needed. As a leader, it does not matter much what you lose but the thing which matters the most is that at least you tried hard and never lost hope. Strong leaders are those who learn and educate their team. A transactional leader is the one who is very particular about the values structure and order. These are expected and more likely to lead the military comprehensive operations, manage big corporations, or command the international projects which need rules and regulations for complete aims on time or guide people and supplies in such a manner which is very organized (Bryant, 2003). The transactional leaders are not to be placed or in other words, they are not perfect for such places where at the innovative and creativity ideas are valued. The transactional leadership are most likely and often compared to the transformational leadership (Solansky, 2010). There is a difference in both as the transactional leadership relies on the self-motivated humans who themselves work well in a directed and structured environment; whereas the transformational leadership requires motivation to inspire workers, in spite of direct others (Solansky, 2010). Being a successful transactional leader requires improvement is so many areas, some of the important areas which I believe to be vital as illustrated below point by point Understand which rewards boosts up the team staff The success of a transactional leader depends upon the hard work which is done by the staff members, the valuing of prizes or the rewards which are in place is significant, as a leader one should be totally clear in respect to the fact that which are the actions that you must perform so that it may boost up the individuals working under you (Solansky, 2010). There might be some situation where in this shall come to you that some strategies work for an aperson whereas these under similar conditions do not work for other team members, thus this choice of inputting the right thing at the particularly correct place is an important task to keep in mind and thus implement. Staff members required to understand the system of reward and also how they can win the To win a reward requires first and for most manner and requirement to be fulfilled to win it and clear descriptions knowledge how to move and in which direction. Sometimes it is noticed that the hard workers even after so much of continuous and honest labour do not achieve the victory, and the reason for this is that they have been working aimlessly without complete knowledge of the task and best manner to perform it (Mahajan, 2011). Thus being a traditional leader this shall be the duty of the leader to show the correct path to the team members and then ask them to start, there shall be no doubt at all, and then the reward can be easily won. Ensure that punishment and reward systems are properly in place and these are also continuously used Being a traditional leader, one should not at all be bias, the leader is to be completely transparent and work upon the law of equality for everyone. He should be punishing all members in case some wrong doing is noticed irrespectively of having any kind of partiality in mind for anyone, similarly all members who do good to be appropriately rewarded with any kind of bias in the decision. Deliver and illustrate timely feedback all the way of the work process.Staff should always be kept aware of their performance at regular times, and this is an important task which being a traditional leader one has to perform (Solansky, 2010). They should be told about any delay in performing the task and in case they are late in completing any task refer the timelines, They should also be reminded of the fact that they shall not at all receive any kinds of monetary or career growth if in case the delay continues. Being a traditional leader, this discussion should be regularly done and further delay if any be notified again to the concerned. Make sure that the recognition and rewards are provided quickly after a good performance. Being a traditional leader, this is very important that the staffs gets rewarded appropriately and that too well in time, there should be nil delay in this matter as the staff requires and expects recognitions soon to carry on with the same zeal and enthusiasm again (Antonakis and House, 2014). In case there is a delay in such things, the company may lose out with similar kinds of results in the next go. Thus a traditional leader should well ensure that such delay does not occur as it may hamper the future growth and also lose significant opportunities. Conclusion Being a leader requires so many qualities and responsibilities, these responsibilities are to be performed without any miss or delay, Someone has rightly said that Leaders are made and not born with automatic skills in them, the one who understands this develops skills and continuously works to further sharpen them, whereas the losers just sit on the orthodox beliefs and fail at the end. Leaders bring all their learning in front of their staff and make them understand the pros and cons of all activities which are performed by them. Leaders support all staff irrespective of any partial liking of a particular staff, they work and lead from the front at all complex situations so that their juniors learn from it and give out the best outcome. Leaders have a commitment to their work and their focus is clear referring its completion in the stipulated time. They do not let their teams morale drop down and educate them in all spheres to work even harder. Leaders do not differentiate between the genders of the workers; they treat each and every member of the team in a similar manner and take charge of all the hard situations. Refrences Antonakis, J. and House, R. (2014). Instrumental leadership: Measurement and extension of transformationaltransactional leadership theory.The Leadership Quarterly, 25(4), pp.746-771. Bryant, S. (2003). The Role of Transformational and Transactional Leadership in Creating, Sharing and Exploiting Organizational Knowledge.Journal of Leadership amp; Organizational Studies, 9(4), pp.32-44. Cook, S. (2013). Your Leadership Banner Personalizes Leadership Theories.Women in Higher Education, 22(11), pp.23-23. Dartey-Baah, K. (2015). Resilient leadership: a transformational-transactional leadership mix.Journal of Global Responsibility, 6(1), pp.99-112. Dion, M. (2012). Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership?.Leadership Organization Development Journal, 33(1), pp.4-24. FRIEDMAN, A. (2004). Beyond mediocrity: transformational leadership within a transactional framework.International Journal of Leadership in Education, 7(3), pp.203-224. Hazarika, A. (2009). Building the pipeline: Leadership succession is a key challenge.Leadership in Action, 29(4), pp.8-12. Junker, N. and van Dick, R. (2014). Implicit theories in organizational settings: A systematic review and research agenda of implicit leadership and followership theories.The Leadership Quarterly, 25(6), pp.1154-1173. Mahajan, S. (2011). Study on Leadership Styles and Theories.Indian Journal of Applied Research, 4(3), pp.281-282. Solansky, S. (2010). The evaluation of two key leadership development program components: Leadership skills assessment and leadership mentoring.The Leadership Quarterly, 21(4), pp.675-681.

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